Thursday, June 13, 2013

Views of my Classroom: Making it my own

Here are various images of my classroom while I was setting it up.
 I stapled fabric on my bulletin boards. The fabric doesn't fade or show holes!
 Do you see the sign I made on the wall by the clock?

 Van Gogh on the walls! Thank you Michaels for the cheap prints!
 I say this or a version of this 100 times a day! Also notice I moved the shelves that were in the front of the room, to the back.
 Setting on my desk. (It as never this clean again)
 Fabric on the bulletin boards by my desk. One board has famous art and quotes, the other has my own art I made in high school.
Art room rules, color wheel, Mona Lisa, traffic light. (These will be in a later post)
 On the shelving in the back of the room I have a colored caddy for each table. My tables have a colored tape on the edge of them. Wow where did all those nice sharp colored pencils go??
 By the door: Bathroom passes, and a Who's Out? Sign out

 The completed fabric by the doors. This is where I ended up putting all my "art love notes" from students.
 By the smart board...artopoly! I will talk about this in a later post.
 This was a major change I made to the room. I turned what used to be book cases sideways, and cleared them out. Now I have 4 shelves with 6 spaces for art folders. You can see the piles of folders ready to go on the shelves. I made the folders using recycled poster signs from my local clothing store!
 Art room jobs. Let's reflect on this later, shall we?

Thanks for taking the tour!

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