Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Here is what my assessment looks like:
Sorry that the image is a little blurry! 

It took me the whole school year to get to this. I tried quizzes, artist statements and rubrics, but I combined them all to make this! Here is how my assessment works. 

1) All students, k-6 write an artist statement.
2) Older students 4-6 complete a self assessment (not shown)
3) Students glue this to the back of their art, and turn it in to me!
4) I complete the rubric and add a comment. I put it in my grade book, and it either goes up on the wall or goes home!

The pros to kind of assessment is that it is all in one place, easy for an administrator to find, and it is attached to the art for the parents to see. The cons is you can't read the artist statement while it is up on the wall.

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